8weeksqlchallenge - Week 4

Case Study #4 - Data Bank


Danny is building digital Bank without physical branches. So data storage plays vital role in Bank development. Its responsibility is tracking customer activity and creating the forecasts for the future.

Case Study Insights

Although this case study is really simple comparing to the Database of Bank in reality, it shows us a some basic metrics need to be calculated to have forecast and plan for Bank future development.

Part A Customer Nodes Exploration focuses on giving the overall picture of customer allocation in Banking system. With given data , we can generate some ideas about leading data security system:

  • Localized Security: the system's regional allocation ensures customer data is stored securely, with region-specific nodes and protection protocols.
  • Tailored Security Solutions: Data Bank offers region-specific security solutions, catering to diverse customer needs while maintaining the highest levels of protection.
  • Optimized Customer Allocation: Data Bank's intelligent system allocates customers to regions efficiently, enhancing security while meeting regulatory requirements.
  • Rapid Response to Threats: Our agile system realigns customers to different nodes swiftly and uniquely, reducing exposure to potential security risks.

  • Part B. Customer Transactions
    In this section, we will delve into the intricacies of customer transactions, categorizing them by months. By presenting this comprehensive information, we aim to generate monthly reports for customers, enabling them to gain a clearer understanding of their spending habits. Moreover, these reports will serve as a valuable tool for supervisors to provide insightful advice, especially concerning significant expenses like housing or automobiles.

    Or you can refer these resources for more information about banking data security & customer metrics:

  • Banking and Financial Cybersecurity Compliance
  • 7 Essential Customer Success KPIs to Track in Banking Apps
  • Measuring digital banking efforts with product analytics

  • SQL code

    The techniques that you can learn from this case study :

  • JOINS SQL : 5 Best Practices for Writing SQL JOINS
  • Aggregate Functions : COUNT(), AVG() and SUM() Functions
  • Window Functions : How to use Window Functions
  • CTE : What Is a Common Table Expression (CTE) in SQL?
  • Date Functions : Date and time data types and functions
  • Percentile Functions : PERCENTILE_CONT & PERCENTILE_DISC

  • Let’s get through some questions of this study case to review of technique.

    Part A.Customer Nodes Exploration
    5. What is the median, 80th and 95th percentile for this same reallocation days metric for each region?

  • This question asks median (percentile 50), 80th and 95th percentile. We can use PERCENTILE_DISC to get the result.
  • Click for code

                                                        WITH CTE AS (SELECT region_id,
                                                        DATEDIFF(day,start_date,end_date) as allocation_days
                                                FROM customer_nodes
                                                WHERE end_date != '9999-12-31'
                                    SELECT distinct region_id , 
                                            PERCENTILE_DISC(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY allocation_days) OVER (PARTITION BY region_id) AS median,
                                            PERCENTILE_DISC(0.8) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY allocation_days) OVER (PARTITION BY region_id) AS #80th_percentile,
                                            PERCENTILE_DISC(0.95) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY allocation_days) OVER (PARTITION BY region_id) AS #95TH_percentile
                                    FROM CTE;       

    Part B.Customer Transactions

    4.What is the closing balance for each customer at the end of the month? Also show the change in balance each month in the same table output.

    This is a particularly difficult question - there are 2 CTEs!

  • First CTE, We calculate the amount of deposits, purchases and withdrawals for each customer grouped by month.
  • Second CTE, We compute the total balance (deposit - purchase - withdrawal) each month, customer
  • Finally Select, We calculate the balance after each month of each customer by sliding method (ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND current ROW)
  • Click for code

                                                        WITH CTE as (
                                                            SELECT customer_id, 
                                                                    DATEPART(MONTH,txn_date) as month, 
                                                                    SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type ='deposit' then txn_amount else 0 end) as deposit,
                                                                    SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type ='purchase' then - txn_amount else 0 end) as purchase ,
                                                                    SUM(CASE WHEN txn_type ='withdrawal' then - txn_amount else 0 end)  as  withdrawal             
                                                            from customer_transactions
                                                            GROUP BY customer_id,DATEPART(MONTH,txn_date)
                                            CTE_2 AS (
                                                            SELECT customer_id,
                                                                    month,(deposit +purchase +withdrawal) as total
                                                            from CTE)
                                            SELECT customer_id,
                                                    SUM(total) OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY customer_id,month  ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND current ROW) AS balance,
                                                    total AS change_in_balance 
                                            FROM CTE_2;

    We have total 10 questions. You can access my github link for full code and explanation

    My Github